Shenley Village Cricket Club News story

Race Night Cancelled

24 Oct 2018

It is with regret that we have decided to cancel the Race Night that was scheduled for the 1st December. Chris Stanley who has organised it for the past few years has decided to step down and we have been unable to find a replacement to help with the promotion and organisation of the event. Massive thanks to Chris who put in so much effort to make the event such a successful fundraiser for the club. Thanks also to George White who too was integral in the smooth running of the previous Race Nights.

This leaves a gap in our social calendar and a shortfall in our finances. If you have any ideas and would like to help organise or sponsor an alternative social event in the future please let me know. Examples of events we’ve held previously which have been successful are the summer 6 a side tournament and Awards Nights. These have been popular in the past but need to be properly organised to be successful. As I say, any new ideas are also very welcome.

Many of us are short of time these days which is why it’s difficult to find volunteers. If you find yourself in this position but would still like to support the club then please consider entering ‘Give and Win’. This is a valuable fundraiser to help the club generate the funds it needs to survive and there is a link on the left side of our website homepage with details on how to enter Give and Win. A further communication on this will be issued shortly.

Following on from Leslie Orchard’s recent communication, may I take this opportunity to remind you of the Club Dinner Dance on Friday March 1st 2019. More details will follow in due course but for now please save this date in your social calendar!

Many thanks

Geoff Evans
