Shenley Village Cricket Club News story

Please support SVCC by playing 'Give & Win'

01 Jul 2019

Hello Clubmates

I am contacting you on behalf of Shenley Village Cricket Club (SVCC) to ask for your support.

We try really hard to cover our £50,000 annual cost base (ground rentals, coaching fees, teas, equipment, etc) through membership fees, sponsorship and donations, but it is a real struggle and we just about break even. There are things we would like to do to improve practice and playing facilities but cannot afford.

One way SVCC generate income is through a monthly draw called ‘Give & Win’. It costs just £2 per month for each number. There are 3 cash prizes each month (£50, £15 and £10). All profits from the draw are ploughed back into the Club for the benefit of all members.

It would make a big difference if all members played ‘Give & Win’, and it is a fair way of sharing the fund-raising challenge.

So, please support your Club by playing ‘Give & Win’.

It’s easy to play.
1) Fill out and return the attached form to Chris Stanley by email or post.
2) Set up Standing Order to SVCC to pay for your entry.

Thanks for your support.

Best wishes…..Chris Stanley
Secretary, SVCC.