Shenley Village Cricket Club News story

Please support SVCC by coming to the Race night

01 Nov 2017

Hello Clubmates

Please come along to the Race night on Sat 25th Nov.

It’s a fun night and you will be supporting our Club.

It is on Sat 25th Nov at The Chapel on Porters Park Drive in Shenley, doors open at
6.30pm and things get underway at 7pm.

There will be 8 horse races over the course of the evening. Your ticket includes a fish and chip supper, dessert, and coffee/tea. We will also be running our own, reasonably-priced bar.

Tickets are priced at £15 for an adult and £10 for under 16s. 

It will be a fun event so please bring along family and friends.

There is also be a chance for you to be a horse owner, to put on the fur collared coat, name your own nag, have your name and horse's name printed in the programme for the evening, and collect the owner's prize of £15 per race if you win. You can buy a horse for £5 each, and there are 8 horses in each of the 8 races.

So here's what you need to do....

1) Please let me know how many tickets you want, by emailing me on or calling/texting on 07774 796037.

2) When booking also let me know how many horses you would like to own (£5 each) and provide a name for your nag(s).

3) Make payment by either;
- cheque payable to 'SVCC' and posted to
20 Russet Drive, Shenley, Herts, WD7 9RH
- by bank transfer to SVCC's bank account (sort code 204734, Acc no. 60390763) using your surname as reference

4) Food: As a vegetarian alternative to the fish & chip supper you can have a vegetarian burger and chips. Please confirm your vegetarian choice when booking otherwise we will assume you want the fish & chips.

5) Raffle: please let me know if you wish to donate a prize for the raffle.

I do hope you make it.

Best wishes.......Chris Stanley