Safeguarding Children and Child Protection
Shenley Village Cricket
Club is firmly and enthusiastically committed to the ECB's promise to
ensure that cricket provides a safe, friendly and enjoyable experience
for all children. Safeguarding in cricket is based upon the concept of
providing an enjoyable cricket environment that is tailored to the needs
and requirements of children.
The ECB Safeguarding
Policy is not in place solely to protect children in cricket, it is to
introduce good practice, raise awareness and provide peace of mind. With
these aims in mind the ECB has produced 'Safe Hands - Cricket's Policy
for Safeguarding Children', which can be downloaded below.
The Safeguarding Policy
provides the sport with the tools to ensure that the whole game takes up
the challenge of continuously improving the participation conditions
for children. Safe Hands greatly enhances the value of existing
activities and practices throughout the ECB's extensive club and schools
network, and ensures that the many thousands of coaches and volunteers
integral to the game are supported. The Policy is backed up by a
comprehensive training and education programme, a structured
implementation plan and a sensitive process to respond to concerns.
Safeguarding & Protecting Children in Cricket:
Safe Hands Policy & Procedures:
Safeguarding Resources:
Vetting Checks
It is a widely recognised
requirement for all those involved in working with children - whether
as paid employees or as volunteers - to undertake a Vetting Check to
ensure their suitability to work with children. Almost all individuals
needing a Vetting Check need an Enhanced CRB Check, required for all
residents of England and Wales.
The ECB's 'Safe Hands'
policy requires that any club coach, umpire, scorer, junior team
manager, team first aider or any other listed post-holder has to
complete a Vetting Check. The list of specific cricket roles that
require a Vetting Check can be downloaded below.
All individuals at
Shenley Village Cricket Club who perform these roles have been checked,
authorised, and registered with the ECB.
On-Field Regulations Relating to Children
There are a number of
specific directives and guidelines issued by the ECB that relate to
on-field activities for all junior cricketers, whether playing junior or
adult cricket, that (like all cricket clubs) Shenley Village Cricket
Club is required to adhere to across all formats of the game, be
they competitive or friendly matches. All of our club coaches, age group
team managers, and senior team captains are committed to following and
applying these Regulations.
ECB Guidelines for Junior Players in Open Age Cricket:
Safety Guidance on Concussion & Helmets:
For further information, or should you have any concerns relating to the safeguarding of children, please contact:
Club Chairman - George White via email: or tel. 07968 349 933
Club Safeguarding Officer - Frank Orchard, via e-mail: or tel. 07593220435