Shenley Village Cricket Club News story

Senior and Junior Winter Nets

27 Nov 2018

I hope you are all wintering well and not missing your cricket too much!  Don’t fear, not long now until the winter nets begin.

Senior Nets

Senior nets will again be at the Herts Sports Village Hatfield and will run for 12 weeks from 7pm to 9pm on Wednesday evenings starting on January 9th. The nets are available for all senior members and those junior members who are eligible to play senior league cricket next season (i.e. under 13 and above).

Please note that this year payment for nets will be via the Slate App. Sammy Saleh will be coordinating this and those of you who attended senior nets last season will shortly receive an email giving you guidance on what you need to do. Any new attendees (or if you attended last year and don’t receive an email) please contact Sammy on 07789 767264 or by email to to get further details.

The cost on the night is the same as last year, i.e. £10 or £5 for junior members. If you intend to attend regularly then you can pay in advance at a discounted rate of £85 to cover all 12 weeks. If paying in advance please transfer the funds to the SVCC bank account 204734 60390763 by no later than Monday 7th of January and advise Sammy.

 Junior Nets

Junior nets will again be held at Aldenham School this winter starting in January and Kris Nissen is at the moment finalising the exact details. A further communication will be issued on this shortly.


Geoff Evans
