Shenley Village Cricket Club News story

SVCC Membership 2020

14 Aug 2020


This email is a follow-up to the last membership email circulated July 9th, when all members aged 15 and over were asked to pay £50 per person for the remainder of the playing season. This is in addition to the receipt of sponsorship funds and the donations the majority of members very kindly made to the Club in April/May, the generosity of which allowed us to vastly reduce this year's annual membership from £345 per season.

By way of an update, we agreed with our landlord earlier in the season that we would not have to pay rent this year provided the Club bore the cost of maintaining both the main and nursery grounds. This has proven a marginally better deal for our landlord than we thought, so we are back in a position of having to ensure we collect subs from all members over the age of 15 if only to make ends meet. 

If you have not yet done so, could you PLEASE make this payment as soon as possible, transferring your £50 per playing member to the Club’s Banks account, (Account Number 60390763, sort code 20-47-34), as soon as possible, using your Surname and MEM as the reference.

I will be reconciling all membership payments to the Club the middle of next week and really would appreciate not having to reach out to members individually!

Thanking you all in advance,

Stay safe, George