On Saturday 13th April, and in wonderful spring sunshine the following was achieved by our small but dedicated work party.
* The nursery Ground scoreboard is now working, with the remote control box being kept behind the upstairs bar. Special thanks to Richard Johns for this achievement.
* We now have 5 white benches, sanded and painted. They may need a 2nd coat but currently look great. We also have 2 other white benches sanded, and 4 of the mahogany benches sanded, ready for painting. Special thanks to Nick Vance, Chris Stanley, Katy and Ian Thomson for a job well done.
* We also have the 4 laned nets rolled and the netting repaired. Special thanks to Kris Nissen and Mo Rizvi and assistants for this job completion.
* The roll on covers have suffered from severe bends in the end cross bar, or rib. 2 of the 3 have now been reinforced, with the 3rd still to be done, next week hopefully. Big thanks to Ollie Andrews for his expertise, time and expense in doing this skilled job for the club.
* The final big job of the day was seperating a big knot of covers, pretty much abandoned in the grass behind the brick scoreboard.
We now know we have two 50ft x 70ft covers with a few holes in one and only one hole in the other. We found the smaller 20 x 70ft sheets as well, one of which has been opened up and inspected. 6-7 holes. The biggest from all the covers would be no more than 8-9 inchs square.
The one remaining 20x70 sheet is yet to be unfolded and inspected, but that has to be done next Sat. Only then can we decide which cover is given to the nursery ground, and if any repairs are needed. Special Thanks again to Richard Johns, Alex thomson, and a variety of about 12 others who were netting had to be convinced by Nisso to come over and provide manpower. Perhaps that is the better way to attract more volunteers?
We now have 3 covers folded and on pallets for transporting to where we want them.
* Arthur cut 3 wickets on the nursery ground ready for junior games soon.
For next Sat. 20th April - 10 am start (and 20 mins priority on the bowling machine ?) Game starting when notified.
# We need to free the batting cage, and repair the netting. Min 6 persons needed. Test the wheels etc. ladder avail from Arthur or Nisso.
# Hopefully with Richard's use of the tractor again, we can extract the remaining cover, inspect and fold it. The club will then decide how best to use each of them, or sell them.
# putting the covers on the roll ons. cleaning the leaves etc out of the guttering. and making sure they are fully waterproof.
# adding the plastic slats to the sight screens, put into position.
# Finish final 3 white benches and the challenge of the remaining 8 mahogany benches.
# If anyone has a battery powered hedge trimmer or chainsaw it would be wonderful to have up to a yard cleared behind the fence on both grounds.
Please inform Ray on 07973 377824 to offer your services.
Inform Morgan or Nisso if you want to play Sat afternoon. I dont know if we have an opposition.
Please try to get down to help.
Ray McLennan
Facilities manager.