Shenley Village Cricket Club News story

Junior training - 18th May - Cancelled

18 May 2016

SVCC Juniors + Parents, 

As it is presently raining and more wet weather is forecast over the next few hours this afternoons training is called off. I do not like to cancel training, and will only do so under these conditions - raining immediately prior to training and further rain is forecast. 

For future rainy days please note.. Training is ALWAYS ON until called off. As mentioned above, only rain during training will cancel training. 

I understand late notice is difficult - so please use your better judgment. If you would not like to risk an unrewarded trip to the nets then do stay at home.

Shenley Village u10+ members are very fortunate to have two optional training days! It is easy to catch up on missed sessions.

I'll see you Sunday / next Wednesday. 
