Shenley Village Cricket Club News story

Booking Practice Nets at SVCC

22 May 2020

In order to find our what is currently available, please login into the Club’s website at, using your login and password. Please let me know if you need a reminder sent.

Immediately underneath the HOME tab, (on the left hand side of the page), you will see “Net Bookings” at the top of the menu list down the left hand side of our Home Page. Click on this "Net Bookings" menu option and then on the PDF file, (currently named 22-05-2020), and you will see what is available for the next two weeks. I will endeavour to update this spreadsheet each morning.

Once you find a time you wish to book, please email me at or text me on 07968 349933 with your request. In requesting a time, please complete the attached spreadsheet in full as I will not accept any bookings without the attached "SVCC Daily Net Booking" spreadsheet being completed in full. Please note this is an ECB requirement, and we have to keep accurate records lest we are investigated.

Assuming the time chosen is still available and you have correctly filled in all the columns in the "SVCC Daily Net Booking" spreadsheet, I will send you back a booking confirmation. Please note that until such confirmation is sent by me, you do NOT have a booking and must NOT use the facilities.

As previously advised, there are strict rules that MUST be followed. Failure to do will lead to the net facilities being closed down completely.

 There is a bin at the sight screen end of the nets, please dispose of all your rubbish before you leave. Please note that if the folks following you, or indeed the Centre's staff advise the nets have not been left tidy, you may not receive any further booking confirmations. I only mention this as there have already been a couple of complaints.

Have a great bank holiday weekend all,

Best wishes, George