Shenley Village Cricket Club News story

Roadmap for the return of recreational cricket

11 Jun 2020

The latest news from the ECB can be found by clicking on the following link:

I totally understand how frustrating these further delays are to SVCC members, given that other sports appear to be getting back to some form of "normalcy". Whilst it would appear to many the ECB has been very slow, they are in constant dialogue with the DCMS, (Ministry for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport), an in turn, update all County Boards by way of fortnightly conference calls. For what it is worth, the DCMS has had to pull back a couple of other sporting bodies who jumped the gun, forcing both to retract recently released statements.

The next "Recreational Cricket" conference call with the ECB is scheduled for Wednesday June 17th, during which, subject to Government announcements, it is hoped we will be given a date for the move to Stage 4 in the attached Roadmap, which would at least mean some modified form of cricket matches. The initial indication provided during a County Zoom meeting last night, is that modified means up to 8-a-side friendlies, with a maximum of one, (2nd), slip and wicketkeeprs/umpires having to stand back. Herts Senior and Junior committee meetings are scheduled for the end of next week and further updates will be provided after both meetings.

On the slightly more positive side, Net Availability is up to date on the website, (, and bookings can now be made up to Sunday, June 28th.

As always, if any of you have any questions, please feel free to reposnd to this email.

Stay safe,
