Hope you are all wintering well and staying safe in these crazy times!
Please read ALL of this email as there are a number of updates/information below.
Firstly, a senior/junior Hertfordshire league update, some of which has a bearing on the membership fees SVCC for 2021. Both committees are planning for full league programs this summer. Senior league matches are scheduled to start Saturday May 8th, with junior league games commencing the week of April 25th. Assuming we do play as planned, it is likely the 2020's match-day Covid protocols will remain in place. This will no doubt be confirmed by the Government and the ECB over the next few months.
At a Herts senior league meeting last week we voted that Clubs would only be required to provide hot/cold drinks, but not lunches/teas for/during league matches. Similarly, we do not think, (at this stage), changing room facilities will be available at the Centre either.
Another major topic discussed last week by both Herts senior and junior committees relates to the completion of consent forms which MUST be filled in and signed off by the parent of any U13 player and/or U12 County player, (as well as by either Kris Nissen or Graham Seymour), whose son would like to, and is selected to play senior or open age cricket, (in other words for our 3rd’s or 4th’s), this summer. This rule has been in effect for many years, however last summer, the League did not receive consent forms for 63 U13’s who played senior cricket. Parents should note that without such consent forms being lodged with the League, your child will NOT be insured in the event of an accident or injury sustained during play. Further, the League has decided that any team playing an U13, (or U12 CAG), for whom a consent form has not been received by the League's Registration Officer, will automatically be docked 30 points. To make things easier for parents and coaches, the form will be made available on-line and I will send details to our U13 parents, coaches and team captains under a separate email. The form will be available on both SHPCL and HJL websites in about two weeks’ time.
So to membership fees in 2021. Along with the Club’s committee firstly, I would like to thank our sponsors and indeed all members who made very generous donations in 2020. Without your contributions, the Club would have been in very serious trouble. This is not to say we are out of the woods, which is why we are writing to you earlier than normal this year.
You may remember, that match fees for 2020 were agreed at last year’s AGM. The committee plans to implement these subscription levels for 2021, albeit with a slight alteration to senior rates, (to allow for "bring your own" teas this summer), and a modified U15/U17 rate to allow for the many U15/17's who will play both senior and junior cricket in 2021.
As passed at last year’s AGM, senior membership fees will include the cost of one Give & Win number, given it is highly unlikely we will be able to hold a Dinner and Dance in 2021, an event from which the Club usually raises in the region of £2,000.
For reasons Geoff set out in his recent Chairman’s message, specifically in relation to costs the Club needs to cover in March, (match balls and other playing equipment), April, (rent and ground maintenance costs), and May, (ground maintenance costs), we would request that, where possible, membership fees be paid prior to March 31st, or that a six month standing order is set up by members wishing to pay their subscriptions that way, commencing March 1st, 2021.
Membership rates for 2021 are:
Adults - £240 by 31/3/2021 or 6 x £40 commencing 1/3/2021
U18 through university - £90 or 6 x £15 commencing 1/3/2021
U15 & U17 - £250 or 6 x £41.66 commencing 1/3/2021
U8 to U14 - £180 or 6 x £30 commencing 1/3/2021
Social Members - £40
Payments should be made/set-up in favour of:
Account Name: Shenley Village Cricket Club
Account Number: 60390763
Sort Code: 20-47-34
There are a few adult members who paid their full 2020 subscription by standing order last year – I will reach out to you individually over the next 2-3 weeks with proposals based upon what you each paid in 2020. There are also a number of junior parents who have paid for winter nets that did not take place because of lock-down etc. I will also reach out to you guys too over the next 2-3 weeks with proposals.
However, I would ask everyone to please bear in mind the net figure, (given the foregoing prospective rebates), the Club will generate from membership based upon 2019/2020 membership numbers is just under £20,000. Excluding much needed and scheduled net/practice facility repairs, (which are to the benefit of all), the Club needs in the region of £52,000 to cover its reduced running costs through 2021. (The costs will be outlined to all who attend the Club’s virtual AGM at 7pm on Friday, February 19th.) Therefore, paying your membership or setting up your standing orders early, or at worst on time, will be well and truly appreciated, as would any additional donation any senior member or junior parent is in a position to make. I fully accept this is a tough ask in these times, but running and managing a club the size of SVCC is a tough ask too!
Please feel free to come back to me with any questions by replying to this email and above all else, stay safe!
Best regards, George White
Membership Secretary
PS: If you are no longer a member of SVCC, or wish to be taken off our mailing list, please reply to this email, confirming your name, or names of your children.