Shenley Village Cricket Club News story

The Bar at the Cricket Centre

23 Apr 2022

Good morning all,

Season 2022 is almost upon us, albeit the 1st XI have already played two fixtures, and have the National T/20 at Hertford at 1:15pm on Saturday, April 30th where they open against last year's Championship champions, Bishops Stortford. The Hertfordshire League then starts the following weekend, (Saturday May 7th), for four of our senior teams.

The juniors also get under way next week with our U10's out first at home against St Albans at 5:30pm on Tuesday, April 26th. Your committee, and in particular Geoff Evans, has been working hard behind the scenes and are delighted to announce the bar will be open for all junior games and net practice evenings through the end of May, at which point, (depending upon the support shown by parents during junior games and adults following nets on Tuesday and Thursday evenings), we shall make a decision as our continuing to open the bar in the evenings.

Many of you have asked us to have the bar open during the week, so, given this is a forerunner to our hopefully running our own bar, please support this initiative and, where possible, invite visiting parents to join you for a drink too!

Thank you to the many of you who have either paid your annual subs in full, have set up your direct debits or have made some very generous, (and much needed), donations to the club. Could I please remind those who have not yet paid to do so as soon as possible, especially as our first rent payment is due the end of next week. By way of a reminder, payments should be made to:

Account Name: Shenley Village Cricket Club (please note use the full name)

Account Number: 60390763

Sort Code: 20-47-34

Reference: “Subs” and your “Surname” – please also use your initial if paying for two members of the same family.

Best of luck to all our senior and junior teams for season 2022.

Kind regards,
