Shenley Village Cricket Club News story

Don't miss the SVCC Fantasy League

10 May 2024

Hello All

Just a nudge to encourage you to enter your Fantasy Shenley Village CC team in the League. It will be great fun and generate a lot of chat around The Club.
The first League games are tomorrow so try and do your entry tonight.
The details are below.
Also, and sorry this wasn't made clear initially, please transfer your £15 entry fee into The SVCC account (at Barclays, sort code 20-47-34, Account number 60390763, using your 'surname and Fantasy' as reference.

For the 2024 season we are launching the Shenley Village fantasy cricket game. How well do you know your club mates? Who can you rely on to be crowned as SVCC manager of the season!? Will you pick yourself?

Pit your wits against your fellow club mates! All players across our 4 Saturday teams are available to be selected (If there are any players that have been missed, please let us know and we can add!).

Your task is to find the winning formula of 6 players within a budget of £35m. Format:
2 x Batters
2 x Bowlers
1 x All Rounder
1 x Keeper

Full rules and points scoring available to view on the site.

Entry is £15 for the season. There will be both weekly and season prizes up for grabs in addition to raising money for SVCC.

Here’s the link to sign up and play:


The Club's thanks go to Andrew Coombs and Alex Houghton for their time and effort in setting up our first Club Fantasy League.